Starter MAY 27 2017
The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) will begin implemeneng their Food Supplier Verification Program (FSVP).
A central feature of the Food Safety Modernizaĕon Act (FSMA), the FSVP is intended to be a flexible, risk‐based program to verify foreign suppliers and
the safety of the food they produce. FSVP will require:
Idenĕficaĕon of the "FSVP importer" for food products imported into the U.S.
The FSVP Importer is responsible for establishing foreign supplier verificaĕon programs to verify that their foreign suppliers are using safe processes and procedures and that the food is not adulterated or misbranded.
The FSVP Importer must be idenĕfied on entry documents a├er MAY 27, 2017. As for importer responsibiliĕes to verify foreign suppliers, we expect the FDA will do "so├" compliance iniĕally, recognizing that this is a major change for importers. Nevertheless, each importer must determine if they are the FSVP Importer (and if not, who is) so they can begin efforts to verify foreign suppliers.
The FSVP Importer might be, but is not necessarily, the same party as the Importer of Record. The FSVP importer must be a U.S. importer must be a U.S. party with a direct financial interest in the food product. Specifically, the FSVP importer is the U.S. owner or consignee of the product (The FDA defines U.S. Gmail owner/ consignee as the person who, at the ĕme of entry, owns the food, has purchased the food, or has agreed in wriĕng to purchase the food).
As the importer, it will be your duty to provide us with the FSVP Importers contact informaĕon, DUNS # and food facility registraĕon number. If Importer of Record is the U.S. owner or consignee, they are by definiĕon the FSVP Importer. (Please note, Customs Brokers, warehouses or other similar intermediaries are not considered by FDA to be the FSVP Importer because they are not an owner or consignee and do not have a direct financial interest in the food product).
If the owner of the food product is not a U.S. person, then the foreign owner can designate a U.S. agent, with the agent's consent in wriĕng, who will then become the FSVP Importer responsible for ensuring that supplier verificaĕon acĕviĕes are conducted for each food product importer. This role required affirmaĕve steps to ensure that supplier verificaĕon by a qualified individual takes place. A number of FSVP‐oriented consultants are available to assume this role. The FSVP agent should not be confused with the agent for food facility registraĕon. They serve separate and disĕnct roles.
Some food products are exempt (juice under HACCP, seafood, alcoholic beverages, among others). And since Canada and New Zealand are recognized as having food safety systems comparable to the U.S., the verificaĕon acĕviĕes for foods produced in Canada or New Zealand are greatly reduced.
Yet the FSVP Importer will sĕll need to be idenĕfied in ACE at entry.
As our client, we want to make sure that you are well aware of FSVP. We have provided addiĕonal sources should you require any more informaĕon. Useful informaĕon can be found by clicking here and the final rule can be found by clicking here.
A├er MAY 27, 2017, for each line entry of food produced offered for import into the U.S., we must gather the name, contact info, and DUNS number of the FSVP importer. We would also like to advise you to begin taking proper steps in preparing for FSVP. As an importer, you are at liberty to either: Establish your own internal program to verify the suppliers Use an in‐house "qualified individual" Use a third‐party enĕty qualified to assist with the verificaĕon While the FDA allows flexibility in determining how to verify depending on the circumstances, it is very clear the program must be rigorous enough to assure that imported food is safe. For example, the FDA idenĕfies the following as examples of verificaĕon acĕviĕes: onsite audiĕon, sampling and tesĕng of a food, review of the foreign supplier's relevant food safety records, and other acĕviĕes that are appropriate based on the evaluaĕon of the risk posed by the food and the foreign supplier performance.
Should you have any quesĕons regarding FSVP or this communicaĕon, feel free to contact
John Lebold, our CHB Manager at 305.805.6797.
A central feature of the Food Safety Modernizaĕon Act (FSMA), the FSVP is intended to be a flexible, risk‐based program to verify foreign suppliers and
the safety of the food they produce. FSVP will require:
Idenĕficaĕon of the "FSVP importer" for food products imported into the U.S.
The FSVP Importer is responsible for establishing foreign supplier verificaĕon programs to verify that their foreign suppliers are using safe processes and procedures and that the food is not adulterated or misbranded.
The FSVP Importer must be idenĕfied on entry documents a├er MAY 27, 2017. As for importer responsibiliĕes to verify foreign suppliers, we expect the FDA will do "so├" compliance iniĕally, recognizing that this is a major change for importers. Nevertheless, each importer must determine if they are the FSVP Importer (and if not, who is) so they can begin efforts to verify foreign suppliers.
The FSVP Importer might be, but is not necessarily, the same party as the Importer of Record. The FSVP importer must be a U.S. importer must be a U.S. party with a direct financial interest in the food product. Specifically, the FSVP importer is the U.S. owner or consignee of the product (The FDA defines U.S. Gmail owner/ consignee as the person who, at the ĕme of entry, owns the food, has purchased the food, or has agreed in wriĕng to purchase the food).
As the importer, it will be your duty to provide us with the FSVP Importers contact informaĕon, DUNS # and food facility registraĕon number. If Importer of Record is the U.S. owner or consignee, they are by definiĕon the FSVP Importer. (Please note, Customs Brokers, warehouses or other similar intermediaries are not considered by FDA to be the FSVP Importer because they are not an owner or consignee and do not have a direct financial interest in the food product).
If the owner of the food product is not a U.S. person, then the foreign owner can designate a U.S. agent, with the agent's consent in wriĕng, who will then become the FSVP Importer responsible for ensuring that supplier verificaĕon acĕviĕes are conducted for each food product importer. This role required affirmaĕve steps to ensure that supplier verificaĕon by a qualified individual takes place. A number of FSVP‐oriented consultants are available to assume this role. The FSVP agent should not be confused with the agent for food facility registraĕon. They serve separate and disĕnct roles.
Some food products are exempt (juice under HACCP, seafood, alcoholic beverages, among others). And since Canada and New Zealand are recognized as having food safety systems comparable to the U.S., the verificaĕon acĕviĕes for foods produced in Canada or New Zealand are greatly reduced.
Yet the FSVP Importer will sĕll need to be idenĕfied in ACE at entry.
As our client, we want to make sure that you are well aware of FSVP. We have provided addiĕonal sources should you require any more informaĕon. Useful informaĕon can be found by clicking here and the final rule can be found by clicking here.
A├er MAY 27, 2017, for each line entry of food produced offered for import into the U.S., we must gather the name, contact info, and DUNS number of the FSVP importer. We would also like to advise you to begin taking proper steps in preparing for FSVP. As an importer, you are at liberty to either: Establish your own internal program to verify the suppliers Use an in‐house "qualified individual" Use a third‐party enĕty qualified to assist with the verificaĕon While the FDA allows flexibility in determining how to verify depending on the circumstances, it is very clear the program must be rigorous enough to assure that imported food is safe. For example, the FDA idenĕfies the following as examples of verificaĕon acĕviĕes: onsite audiĕon, sampling and tesĕng of a food, review of the foreign supplier's relevant food safety records, and other acĕviĕes that are appropriate based on the evaluaĕon of the risk posed by the food and the foreign supplier performance.
Should you have any quesĕons regarding FSVP or this communicaĕon, feel free to contact
John Lebold, our CHB Manager at 305.805.6797.
A Customs Brokerage | 1900 NW 97 Avenue | Doral, FL 33172